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'Burxt' out of it!

A total of £500 billion in loan and guarantees were made available by the government to bail out the Banks in 2008. Fast forward 10 years later or thereabouts, comes covid. 2020 to 2021 the government got bailed out again by the tax payers. £299 billion was borrowed by the government to fight coronavirus. £100 billion was spent on furlough schemes and £69 billion was spent on business support schemes. Enough lecture on government borrowings and bail-outs. Did “you” get some help? If you did get some help, are you better off? 


Buy a t-shirt and change a life

Art of Random Kindness (ARK)

Since 2022

At, we will be curating different t-shirts with positive messages to promote and raise awareness for various causes to tackle all kinds of debts that UK adults are facing. Our current campaign is called SMH (Save My House). This campaign is for an individual called John, whom has agreed and given us consent to film his struggles with housing debt, that he is facing.

It cost us £9:00 for each t-shirt. This includes; sourcing, shipping cost, packaging, and delivery to you. We sell for £10:00 and only make a £1:00 profit per t-shirt. 50% of the profit is donated to any act of random kindness (ARK) that we at Burxt are embarking on. We do not compromise on quality of the t-shirts and everybody wins, the more t-shirts we sell the better we can do to help you and the cheaper the cost is to us. There is strength in numbers, and we hope that you can join us on this journey to help us in making an impact in our lives and in the United Kingdom. “Charity Begins At Home”.

The t-shirts are made with 100% cotton, anti-shrink, so that you can get more use out of it, and a SMH logo depicted in the front chest area. This should be purchased only on our website or our designated agent, which, will be listed on our site. A monthly subscription service is also available for those that want to support this movement. Details are available here on the site on how to subscribe. 


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